" I’m very grateful that Nutricia can provide this supportive service which exactly tailors customers needs "

" Excellent products! Deliveries are always on time or even earlier than expected! "

" Very prompt deliveries "

" Nutricia offers a great service "

" Very easy to purchase and receive products "

" The clinical nurse is very helpful and friendly. She is always available by phone for any questions I have. I could not have done without her. "

" Clinical nurse is great. When I experienced a delivery delay, she followed it up immediately. "



Healthcare professionals

" I wanted to formally acknowledge and pass on our appreciation of recent efforts for a local gastrostomy consumer.   On two separate occasions Nutricia has provided swift interventional care in the community to safely manage an extremely complex consumer. "

" It’s clear that without the quick support from the Nutricia nurses our client would have required emergency presentation to our hospital. For this consumer in particular, avoiding hospital and assisting with emotional regulation is of upmost importance to ensuring her own safety. On both occasions Nutricia have intervened at home to avoid a presentation to Logan hospital whilst supporting our consumer to feel safe in her own environment. I wanted to take the time to acknowledge these occasions and show my support for the Nutricia nursing service in helping our consumers facing difficulties at home. - Hospital dietitian "
